علی دباغ | سیویلیکا

دکتر علی دباغ

عضو هیات علمی دانشگاه گنبد کاووس - دانشجوی دکتری دانشگاه خوارزمی


عضو هیات علمی دانشگاه گنبد کاووس و علاقه مند به حوزه زبان و زبان شناسی


علاقه مندی ها

Cultural Linguistics
Vocabulary acquisition and assessment/measurement
Intercultural competence and metacultural competence

مقالات بین المللی علی دباغ

Dabbagh, A., & Babaii, E. (2021). L1 pragmatic cultural schema and pragmatic assessment: Variations in non-native teachers’ scoring criteria [Special Issue]. TESL-EJ, 25(1).https://tesl-ej.org/pdf/ej97/a2.pdf
"The Effect of Dialogue Journal Writing on EFL Learners' Descriptive Writing Performance: A Quantitative Study", Australian International Academic Centre, (2017), Vol 6, No 3: 71
"The role of vocabulary breadth and depth in predicting second language descriptive writing performance", Informa UK Limited, (2017), Vol 47, No 5: 575-590
Dabbagh, A. (2016). The predictive role of vocabulary knowledge in listening comprehension: Depth or breadth? International Journal of English Language and Translation Studies, 4(3), 01-13.
"Philosophy-based Language Teaching Approach on the Horizon: A Revolutionary Pathway to Put Applied ELT into Practice", Academy Publication, (2016), Vol 7, No 5: 1022
Dabbagh, A. (2016). Gender representation under critical image analysis: The case of Iranian ELT textbooks. International Journal of English Language and Translation Studies, 4(4), 39-52.
"Cultural Linguistics as an investigative framework for paremiology: comparingtimein English and Persian", Wiley, (2016), Vol 27, No 3: 577-595
Janebi Enayat, M., Davoudi,M., Dabbagh, A. (2015). Critical thinking instruction in Iran’s ELT curriculum: To be or not to be? International Journal of English Language and Translation Studies, 3(4), 29-41.
"An Interpretation of the Significance of ‘Time’: The Case of English and Persian Proverbs", Academy Publication, (2015), Vol 5, No 12: 2581
"Interlanguage Pragmatic Test Tasks: Does a Low-Stakes Test Have Washback to L2 Teachers and Learners?", The Journal of Asia TEFL, (2015), Vol 12, No 4: 129-158
"Crossing Metacognitive Strategy Awareness in Listening Performance: An Emphasis on Language Proficiency", Australian International Academic Centre, (2014), Vol 3, No 6:

مقالات علی دباغ در کنفرانس های داخلی

Introducing Cultural Linguistics as an Investigative Framework to Analyze Proverbs
سال 1395
ارائه شده در چهارمین کنفرانس بین المللی پژوهشهای کاربردی در مطالعات زبان
Towards the Introduction of Metacultural Competence to English Language Teaching in Iran: Time for a Change!
سال 1395
ارائه شده در کنفرانس ملی زبان و مطالعات آموزشی
Derakhshan, A., Dabbagh, A. & Shakki, F. (2018). Conceptualizations of homeland (vatan) in Rumi's poetry: A Cultural Linguistics study. Paper presented at 16th International TELLSI Conference: Futurology of English Language Teaching and Literature, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.
سال 2018
Dabbagh, A. & Safai, A. (2018). Evaluating learning objectives in national and international ELT textbooks using Bloom's revised taxonomy. Paper presented at 16th International TELLSI Conference: Futurology of English Language Teaching and Literature, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.
سال 2018
Dabbagh, A. (2018). Moving beyond communicative competence: Towards metacultural-based ELT materials. Paper presented at First National Conference on New Trends in English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, Golestan University, Gorgan, Iran.
سال 2018
Dabbagh, A. (2017). Metacultural Competence and ELT Curriculum in Iran. IELTA Conferemce, Tehran, Iran.
سال 2017
Dabbagh, A. (2016). Introducing Cultural Linguistics as an investigative framework to analyze proverbs. Poster presented at the 4th International Conference on Applied Research in Language Studies, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran.
سال 2016
Dabbagh, A. (2016). Investigating the role of trait emotional intelligence and gender in EFL learners’ speaking strategy use. Paper presented at The 2nd International Congress on New Directions of Philology (Language, Literature, Linguistics, and Culture), Tehran, Iran.
سال 2016
Dabbagh, A. & Kamali, H. (2015). Are trilinguals different from bilinguals? The case of Turkman EFL learners’ emotional intelligence and gender. Paper presented at The Third ELT Conference: Novel Trends and Perspectives, Allameh Tabatabaii University, Tehan, Iran.
سال 2015
Dabbagh, A. (2015). Life syllabus: An investigation into Iranian EFL stakeholders’ perceptions and Practices. Paper presented at the 2nd conference on Interdisciplinary Approached to Language Teaching, Literature and Translation Studies, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.
سال 2015
Noshadi, M. and Dabbagh, A. (2015). Metacultural competence: A benchmark for advances in applied ELT? Poster presented at the 2nd conference on Interdisciplinary Approached to Language Teaching, Literature and Translation Studies, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.
سال 2015
Dabbagh, A. (2015). Is current practice in strict line with research findings? The case for depth of word knowledge in general English classes. Paper presented at the First National Conference on Challenges in Foreign Language Teaching in Iran, Hakim Sabzevari University.
سال 2015
Atai, M.R. and Dabbagh, A. (2011). Investigating vocabulary depth and semantic set in EFL learners’ vocabulary use in writing. Paper presented at the 9th International TELLSI conference in Ilam University.
سال 2011
Tajeddin, Z. and Dabbagh, A. (2010). Interlanguage pragmatic tests: Washback to teachers, learners and teaching program. Paper presented at 8th International TELLSI conference in Al-Zahra University.
سال 2010

مقالات علی دباغ در ژورنال های داخلی

Comparative Textbook Evaluation: Representation of Learning Objectives in Locally and Internationally Published ELT Textbooks
سال 1398
ارائه شده در فصلنامه مسائل آموزش زبان انگلیسی
Exploring the role of vocabulary depth and semantic set in EFL learners’ vocabulary use in writing
سال 1389
ارائه شده در دوفصلنامه آموزش زبان انگلیسی
Atai, M.R., & Dabbagh, A. (2010). Exploring the role of vocabulary depth and semantic set in EFL learners’ vocabulary use in writing. TELL Journal 4(2), 27-49.
سال 2010

سوابق استادی علی دباغ

مربی دانشگاه گنبد کاووس

تحصیلات علی دباغ

دکتری تخصصی آموزش زبان انگلیسی
کارشناسی ارشد آموزش زبان انگلیسی
1387 - 1389
کارشناسی زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی
1383 - 1387

جوایز و افتخارات علی دباغ

عضو بنیاد نخبگان
فارغ التحصیل رتبه اول دوره کارشناسی ارشد - دانشگاه خوارزمی
فارغ التحصیل رتبه اول دوره کارشناسی - دانشگاه خوارزمی